oof. keeping a consistent schedule. you know I struggle with this so much for many of these same reasons. oddly, I can go all-in for a short period of time, like a month-long challenge. But it's the long-term that's hard and this new job situation is really challenging for that reason!! Also - HI LUCY.

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Jan 3Liked by Theodora

Count me in with Carla in loving the personal updates best! I miss that about blogging, and Substacks seem to be more didactic rather than people unapologetically sharing the messiness of life.

As for what I'm committing to being consistent to, I have a bunch of New Year's goals kicking around (read the news daily, track my water drinking, strength train daily) but am currently in the middle of moving house, so I told myself that I would wait until January 7th to start my new year's resolutions. I looooove consistency and I knew that it would discourage me to do a crappy job with them this week, so I decided a late start would be better than abandoning some goals just because this week is too hard. I definitely need to work on self-compassion in allowing myself to miss a day of a goal and then jump right back into it...

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Heyyyyy. so many thoughts that I’m going to put here rather than text them to you privately🙃


The two things in my life I’ve been most consistent with have also been two of the most successful things for me: running and blogging.

That was what I immediately thought of about you. You’ve always inspired me with your running, and you blogged consistently with the best of them.


Tomato tomahhhhto

And you know me. I’m so phenomenally passionate about this approach to life.

It’s not sexy.

It may even be viewed as boring by some. #ReasonsWhyIAmSingle

It works every damn time.

A little bit, every day, achieve the goal, because the goal isn’t the subjective (we can’t control that. The goal cannot be. I’m going to be in New York Times best selling writer!) the goal is the objective (write the damn book!).

Me? I would love all the Substack posts about the Theodora and the canine behind-the-scenes.


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